Ireland’s Number One Online Kids Coding and Computing Club.

Open to students from around the world!

Est. 2014

                     For Preteens and Teens                     

 Coder Kids – After School Program     

Give your child the gift of Knowledge!

Check out the new online classes for New and Exist Members - Click Here!

Kids Coding – Now Run All Classes Online! 


Our research and finds show that students upskill online quicker than in a physical environment concerning ICT, CODING, CYBERSAFETY & DIGITAL HEALTH skills! We are now all global digital citizens, and children need to understand and embrace learning online, as this is the way of the future!


Online classes prepare children in early life with numerous computer skills. With constant fun learning, they will become computer savvy and learn skills to help them progress in this technological world!

Email to express an interest in our 24/25 academic year! 

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What will kids be exposed to? Coding for Kids Python.

Coding with Scratch. HTML & CSS, Python & CyberSafety. We also cover essential elements of Computing and ICT skills. We ensure your children will be in the top 1% for their age and category.

We have developed a bespoke syllabus which allows our students to learn at the correct pace and manner. We have the following levels, which progressively introduce our students to more complex Computer Science and Coding elements.

The Correct Entry Level: Students are aligned with their past exposure and experience. The key is to ensure the student is comfortable but challenged.

Term Length: Each term is for 7 weeks.

Levels: Each level has 3 terms, and lessons are progressively structured to advance the learning. 1 level should be completed each academic year.

  • Year 1 – Bytes – Primary Beginners (3 Terms) 7 – 8 Years Old (Scratch + Cybersafety)
  • Year 2 – KiloBytes – Primary Advanced (3 Terms) 8 – 9 Years Old (Scratch & HTML + Cybersafety)
  • Year 3 – MegaBytes – Primary Advanced + (3 Terms) 10 – 11 Years Old (Scratch, HTML, CSS & Python + Cybersafety)
  • Year 4 – GigaBytes – Primary Pro (3 Terms) 11 – 12 Years Old (HTML, CSS & Python + Cybersafety)
  • Year 5 – Tera-Bytes – Post-Primary JC Coding Course (3 Terms) 12, 13 & 14 Years Old – Secondary School (CS, HTML, CSS & Python + Cybersafety)
  • Year 6 – PetaBytes – Post-Primary Pro (3 Terms) 14 – 17 Years Old – Secondary School (CS, HTML, CSS & Python + Strategic Manegment & Innovation Classes + Cybersafety)

Post-Primary Seniors – The world we live in is more than ever about innovation. With this in mind, we plan to ensure all our post-primary students are exposed to several classes on Strategic Management – PESTEL and Michael Porter’s Five Force this will aid students in assessing their Marco and Microenvironments. We will also do a class on innovation and entrepreneurial skills.

The program layout is very similar to swimming lessons, i.e. the kids will progress and advance with each class and term. Each academic year will have three terms of seven weeks, each term will take into account mid-term breaks and school holidays and are nicely spread out over the academic year. Enrollment rules are based purely on a first come basis.

Why Should Children Learn To Code?

  • Code is one of the world’s most widely used languages.

    Code is one of the world’s most widely used languages.
  • Connected devices are already reshaping our world.

    Connected devices are already reshaping our world.
  • Kids learn better and faster when they’re young.

    Kids learn better and faster when they’re young.
  • Coding is creativity unleashed.

    Coding is creativity unleashed.
  • Problem solving and critical thought.

    Problem solving and critical thought.
  • By 2022 there will be over 2 million unfilled jobs that will be dependent on coding.

    By 2020 there will be over 2 million unfilled jobs that will be dependent on coding.


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Cyber Safety for Your Children!

We ensure your children are exposed to up to date Cyber Safety content by working with CyberSchool Ltd